Monday, July 2, 2012

Looking Back - 2 years

Exactly 2 years ago today, I did my first semi-pro photography assignment - I started ambitiously with a wedding - a good friend Liz Reiter Schultz of mine took a chance  and hired me (well I did it for free, so it was a pretty good deal I suppose) to shoot her wedding - one of the most important days of her life. 

I had done 2 photoshoots before that, and I was shooting with a Canon digital rebel t1i with the kit 18-55 lens and a discount brand flash. I had very little clue what I was doing; I had no blog, no website, no facebook business page, I didn't even own photoshop, and I offered one product - a DVD of images - I was a nervous-as-hell shoot-and-burn newb, but I put on a confident demeanor and dove in - I was instantly hooked. It's amazing how far I've been able to get in only 2 years. 3 cameras, 12 lenses, about 50 photoshoots, almost 200 facebook fans, over 500 products, and 10 weddings later I'm still consumed with this career - I started the side business only 10 months ago believe it or not. 

This is what I could do for 24 hours a day, every. single. day. and feel like I'm on vacation. This is that job where work feels like play. I love being able to control how I get the job done, getting to play by my own rules and create true efficiency - not being bound by some institution's inefficient and asinine policies and procedures. 

One of my photography idols says the only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one you used to be. Well, that's sometimes easier said than done when there are soooo many talented people out there, but I continue to seek wisdom, good teachers, and, as Lexus puts it, the "passionate pursuit of perfection." I only hope I am able to learn as much (if not more) in the next 2 years, both qualitatively and quantitatively, as I have in the past 2. The more I learn, the more I discover I want to learn - the fire is lit. As Socrates said "I know that I know not." 

As I delve into the rabbit hole, I do indeed believe in myself, and I am so thankful to have been blessed with clients who believe in me as well in taking a chance on me to capture images with impact that tell a meaningful story about the moments of their lives. I'm also thankful to good friends such as D'Ann Gallaway Pierce who've continuously supported me and encouraged me to pursue my dream, especially my mentor, Reuben Mendiola. I continue to pray that God will keep leading me in gaining knowledge and wisdom as an artist to truly master the craft to the point where I can't NOT make it my life's work. I once read that there are two great days in a life: the day you're born, and the day you figure out why. This is why:

This was also before I knew about watermarking, so please don't steal my images! All images copyright 2012 Kiran Fernandes - Kiranphotography