Investment with Kiranphotography

This is my favorite picture of my dad.

I took this picture with my first SLR 35mm film camera, a Pentax which I bought off Ebay in 2001, when, knowing that he was ill and not going to get better, I decided to take the photographic eye I'd always had and try to capture some good non-disposable-camera photos of him to be able so that my kids would have better images of their grandfather than I had of mine (pretty forward thinking for a 19 year old if I do say so myself ;-). Looking at it now, it's not the most technically appealing image, the exposure could be a bit brighter, the glasses could have been taken off, the background & subject could have been better framed, the camera angle could have been a bit more elevated. But those are all things that would never have occurred to me at that point. I would pay every. penny. in my life savings to be able to go back now with the skills and technical ability that I've got now and do a full photosession of him at this point, sharing that time together before the wheel chair and the nursing home, and the dementia that accompanied parkinsonian syndrome. While I treasure this picture among my most prized possessions, I envy those for whom setting up a photosession with their parents is simply a matter of setting aside the time.

Custom professional photography is an investment just like a good CD in the bank. Clean, clear, beautiful imagery is something that you, your children, and your children's children can treasure for a lifetime. Beautiful photographs appreciate in value as the years go by. Believe me, they do.  As the heart of wisdom learns to number the days (Psalm 90:12), it is important to capture those evanescent moments in life; from the 9 months of maternity to couples celebrating their 75th wedding Anniversaries, Kiranphotography aims to capture images with impact that tell a meaningful story about a moment - and to help you share how you see yourself. You are investing in a photographer that has a true passion for what he does, for actively learning everything he can to master the craft, for continuing his professional development, and providing an end result of images you can treasure, images that aim to make you say "Wow!" Additionally, though we know not everyone loves having their picture taken, we aim to provide a comfortable (or at least pain-free!), relaxed, and organized photography session experience. 

I am dedicated to creating images like this for you, your family, and most dear, taking care of the technical stuff so you can be you and share how you see yourself in the way that you'd like to have as a legacy.

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